Saturday, July 26, 2014

(VPSD) Oh, Really!

Does your representative have VPSD?

Just to remind everyone that this is a financial blog focused on posting financial news events, public offerings and wealth ideas. Every now and again, I get side-tracked and lose focus. National politics really have me unfocused these days. Ever since, Senator John McCain released the virus, former Governor, Sarah Palin and her political brand on the public psyche, national politics has not been the same. The national body seems to have been infected (specifically the Republican Party and the Republican controlled House of Representatives) with some type of viral political stupidity disease ("VPSD"), which makes ordinary, rational, educated grown men and women lose their rational minds and act more like attack, race-baiting, xenophobic, fear-mongering fools

Example in point, the wave of immigrants crossing the Texas border. We have a border problem with a wave of immigrant young (babies) and whole families, crossing over from Central America. Well, it just so happens that they have found a great route to get to the U.S. ("land O plenty") - through the state of Texas. Rather than Governor Rick Perry seize the opportunity and initiate a conference with officials of these countries, he gets on national TV and criticizes the President of the U.S. for not enforcing immigration law. He then lets President Obama seize the high ground and meet with Central America leaders and show the world that he is rational, intelligent, and politically savvy operator. Furthermore, he is not a race-baiter, racist, nor xenophobic, and offers tangible solutions and clarifications to current U. S. laws and the many ways, which these countries can help.

If Governor Perry wanted to make a run for the U. S. presidency, this would have been a great opportunity to build his network and political capital. Instead he fumbled and dropped the ball on one of the greatest political opportunities in his lifetime. Has anyone noticed that whomever is running the national Republican political strategy machine has been doing an awful, disgraceful job over for the last 6-7 years?

Geez, the world has changed and the Republicans are still running the party as if they are in the 60s or 70s. It is my contention and based on my observation that the Democratic party will be the only viable political party left the United States within the next 2 to 3 generations. VPSD would have wiped out all of the Republican party members by then.

Governor Rick Perry

President Obama

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